| Remedial actions for EIA |
Update the reference list (
Link) with additional literature including relevant recommendations if needed.”
“Collect recommendations from similar ethical impact assessments”
“During the evaluation of the identified ethical impacts, an inventory has been made of reports and publications on ethical impacts of similar materials, technologies, or products. The relevant recommendations included in those reports and publications are analysed by the type of ethical impact in the table below.”
“The EIA-team drafts its own societal and organisational recommendations and fills them in in the two tables below. Then, they present the draft recommendations to the stakeholders (and experts if needed) and fills in the received comments in both tables.”
“Societal recommendations”
“Societal recommendations address identified conflicts between different stakeholder groups, including industry and civil society organisations. The following decision tree can support the formulation of societal recommendations.”
Type of issue
Describe the
value conflict
Draft preliminary
recommendations of
EIA team (bullet points)
Insert outcome
of discussion of
recommendations with
stakeholders (text)
Formulate final
(bullet points)
“Organisation recommendations”
“The EIA team addresses recommendations for organisational changes to public or private organisations involved in the manufacturing, selling, use, or waste processing of the nanomaterial and product under study. These recommendations are discussed with representatives of the addressed organisations. The following table supports the formulation of organisational recommendations.”
Name of the organisation
Draft preliminary recommended
change in procedure to identify,
respond to, address, manage,
avoid, or minimize ethical issues
Insert outcome of discussion
of recommendations with
Formulate final
“The template for reporting on the societal and organisational recommendations is as follows.”
[Insert the title filled in during the identification of ethical issues in page #5 as default, which the user can modify.]
[Insert the authors filled in during identification of ethical issues in page #5 as default, which the user can modify.]
Date of preparation:
[The user should insert the date.]
[Insert the abstract filled in during the identification of ethical issues in page #5 as default, which the user can modify.]
Summary of the societal and organisational recommendations:
[The user should insert text.]
[Insert the section evaluate ethical impacts filled in during the EIA-plan writing in page #4 as default, which the user can modify.]
Results of review of published recommendations:
[Insert the completed table resulting from step 1]
Explanation of proposed recommendations:
[Insert the completed tables resulting from step 2]
[Insert the reference list resulting from page #4, which the user can modify.]
Consulted persons:
[Insert the list of consulted persons resulting from page #4, which the user can modify.]
Annex: minutes of consultations:
[The user should insert text.]
**This work project has received funding from European Union Horizon 2020 Programme (H2020) via RiskGONE project under grant agreement nº 814425